Our Permit Portal completed a scheduled maintenance on Friday, January 10, 2025. With this upgrade, you will now be forwarded to our new authentication service. You must re-register your account with the exact same email you previously registered with. For issues with searching addresses, please clear your caches and cookies on your browser. For updates or assistance during this time, please contact [email protected]  or 201-547-5070. Thank you for your understanding.


The Division of Housing Preservation oversees the registrations of vacant and foreclosed properties, issues hotel/motel licenses and short-term rental permits and, through its Office of Landlord/Tenant Relations, enforces the city’s Rent Control Ordinance. The Division is also responsible for conducting lead-based paint inspections in rental dwelling units pursuant to P.L. 2021, C.182. If you would like to learn more about our Division's functions, we will begin hosting monthly Educational Seminars commencing March 27, 2025. CLICK HERE TO WATCH TODAY'S SEMINAR.

(For Housing Code Enforcement issues, contact the Office of Code Compliance at [email protected] or call the Resident Response Center at (201)-547-4900)

Applications will ONLY be received through the new data portal system.  Visit jcnj.org/hedc for more information on how to create your account.

Bergen Ave brownstones photo

  • Maintains registry of vacant lots, vacant buildings, foreclosure properties, and routinely inspects these properties.
  • For more information about Short-Term Rental Permits, click below.



Lead paint inspector photoThe State of NJ now requires periodic lead-based paint inspections for certain dwellings constructed prior to 1978 for the purposed of identifying lead-based paint hazards. 

The Division of Housing Preservation has been tasked with conducting these inspections as assigned in Ord. 23-018. 

Lead is a toxic heavy metal that occurs naturally in our environment. It was once widely used in commercial products such as gasoline, paint, cosmetics, spices, and pottery. If children are exposed to it, their nervous systems and kidneys can be damaged. Learning disabilities, attention-deficit disorder, and decreased intelligence have been found in exposed children. Behavior, speech, and language problems, hearing damage, decreased muscle and bone growth, and poor muscle coordination are major concerns of lead exposure.

All single-family, two-family, and multiple rental dwellings must be inspected upon tenant turnover or within two years of the effective date of the law, 7/22/23. If your dwelling is subject to the law, the Housing Preservation Division must be furnished with a copy of a valid lead-safe certificate.

Inspections are required every three years or upon tenant turnover, whichever is less.

Exempt Dwellings:

  • Dwellings constructed during or after 1978
  • Single-family and two-family seasonal rental dwellings rented for less than six-months duration each year by tenants without consecutive lease renewals
  • Dwellings that have been certified to be free of lead-based paint pursuant to N.J.A.C. 5:17-3.6(b).
  • Multiple rental dwellings that have been registered with the Department of Community Affairs for at least ten years and have no outstanding lead violations from the most recent cyclical inspection performed under the “Hotel and Multiple Dwelling Law” (N.J.S.A. 55:13A-1). Check to see if your rental is exempt on this list.

Owners are permitted to directly hire a lead evaluation contractor to perform periodic inspections.

  • To submit a request for a Lead-Based Paint Inspection, please click jcnj.org/permitportal and complete the "Lead- Based Paint Inspection" application.
  • To provide the Bureau with proof of your exemption from this inspection, please click jcnj.org/permitportal and upload your documents to the "Certified Lead Evaluation Registration" application. 
  • Both applications require that owners complete and upload an Affidavit in support of their submissions.  

Failure to comply can result in a fine of up to $1,000.00 per week until the inspection has been conducted or until remediation efforts have initiated.

For more details about the law and what it means for you, please visit the NJ State Website.

Contact Info

  • phone201-547-4821
  • Division of Housing Preservation
    Three Jackson Square
    (aka 342 Martin Luther King Drive)
    Jersey City, NJ 07305

    Shyrone Richardson photo

    Shyrone Richardson, Director

    Office Hours:
    Monday - Friday : 8:30 AM - 4:30 PM
    Last Walk-In:
    Monday - Friday : 3:30 PM

  • Directions